Not sure why the exclamation point--it's not really exciting news, but it is news, three days into the school year (171 to go). I really like our new principal so far. She's funnier than heck and sort of sarcastic, too: perfect for SCORE.
The kids, on the other hand, are driving me nuts. They're excited that I'm pregnant, but most of them won't SHUT THE HECK UP! The worst are my all-boy classes (shocking, I know). They're just being immature little punks so far, and I'm having trouble not losing it with them.
Since I'm pregnant, aren't I allowed to be bitchy? :)
I swear, if our kid ever acts anything like some of my, no, what a scary thought! Take it away, quickly!
BTW, randomly, P.S. I Love You is an amazing movie. Watch it, cry, stare at the amazing biceps of the hot Irish men, and wish you could afford some of those amazing shoes!!
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago