Ivy answered the phone and George talked to her for a few minutes. He said she was pretty monosyllabic/non-responsive, but what can you expect from no contact for over two years??!! The last time we saw her, she was 7! She said she got lots of stuffed animals for her birthday, and that her favorite subject at school is Art (go figure) and her least favorite is Computers, because they take tests (although she does well on the tests).
I was in shock when George came upstairs and told me 1) he called and 2) he got to talk to Ivy. Good thing I was sitting down. Do you know how many times in the last two years I've suggested/ranted/pleaded that he call? Has he ever done it? Never! Maybe there was something about her hitting double digits that convinced him to do it, or maybe it's that he knows she'll be thrilled to be a big sister. Who knows.
At any rate, he told Ivy he'd call her mom soon so we can start seeing each other again. Please, PLEASE pray that he follows through. Not getting to be part of her life is heartbreaking.
This picture was taken September 15, 2006, over the last weekend we saw her.