Meet our little Lincoln Tiger!

As always now, it is difficult to get a good photo because little man won't sit still.

In this case, it was helpful, because I got an action shot
(albeit from far away):
Lincoln tiger on the prowl!
Here's the story of Lincoln's costume:
We have no money, so when I found the costume on eBay for $6.74 (including shipping!), I was thrilled.
The costume was marked 0-12 months, so it should have been perfect.
Except that it wasn't.
The hood was too big and everything else was too small.
We had to scrinch up his arms to get them in (which he hated), I could hardly get the leg snaps snapped, and there's no way the crotch snaps would close. No. Way!
And after we finally got him in, the elastic around the legs was so tight that I couldn't get a finger between it and his leg--so I unsnapped those, too. So Linc was mostly just in the costume from the waist up. And the hood kept falling down over his eyes, driving him crazy!
Lesson learned: Never buy costumes on eBay, or if you do, try them on your child before the big day.
Anyway, we finally got Lincoln transformed into a tiger, and we set off.
We went to John and Kristy's to say hi (thanks for the puffs & pirate duck!), and then we went to Trunk or Treat at church to say hi to Grandpa and Grandma. Thanks for the book, puffs and goodies, Gpa and ma!
Lincoln was a bit overwhelmed with everything and couldn't really figure out what was going on, but loved looking at all the people and kids dressed in crazy costumes.
We got home, handed out some candy to the last of the trick-or-treaters, and went to bed.
Then the doorbell rang at 10:35: teenage idiots trick-or-treating.
George told them to go away, and then grabbed his baseball bat (since he doesn't have a gun) and stalked around outside for a few minutes to make sure we didn't get "tricked."
Definitely a Griswold Family Halloween.
Here is Lincoln's Halloween video for your viewing enjoyment:
And here is Lincoln's "Man, I'm beat!" pose
after the craziness of his first Halloween:
PS I am REALLY irriated with Blogger for screwing up all of my carefully-inserted line breaks. Why does it shove everything together when I publish?! Anyone know how to fix this?