Yup, I am a total failure. All hepped up to potty train Lincoln this week (Spring Break) and the little booger starts being non-cooperative.
He's been doing great occasinally sitting on the potty, has peed & pooped in it many times, so I figured the real deal would be a cakewalk. WRONG!
Today I put him in real underwear with plastic pants over it, and had him sit on the potty every 15-20 minutes (like yesterday, only in pull-ups yesterday). He peed in the potty ONCE--every other time, he peed in his underpants soon after standing up from the potty.
SO. I am frustrated and just gave up, cried, and now feel like a failure. He's back in pull-ups and we'll sit on the potty every so often. And Lincoln will be in pull-ups until he can drive.
Cheesy, Old, And Of Course, NSFW
1 day ago