Jack is 3 months old!

And he is uber-smiley:

Our baby boy weighs 14.01 pounds--a pretty big guy! I keep forgetting to measure him, so let's just say he's longer than he was a month ago. :)
Tummy time is getting more interesting, although it's still a challenge
for Jackson to hold his head up:


3-month favorites:
Sleeping through the night until 6:30 or 7:00 AM
Lincoln, Lincoln Lincoln. Jack watches him all the time!

Smiling, cooing and razzing. All the time!
Eating. Jack is doing great switching between bottle & Mommy
since I'm back at work.
The baby in the mirror. Just today, Jack smiled at and
tried to bat at his reflection for the first time!
Farting. Pooping out of his diaper.
Having his nose sucked (most of the time). It's funny how much he smiles
and coos when having his snot suctioned!
Being congested. For 3 nights last week, Jack woke up every 5 to 30 minutes
because of nasal congestion. NOT fun. He's still a bit congested.
Not getting to eat right when he wants to!
Being overstimulated
On to month four!
Things are going well in Welchland!