Jack turned 8 months old on February 28th!

He has been in his new "big boy" car seat for several weeks now:

And loves to play with Lincoln's stuff, like this sword:

Lincoln wasn't in the room at the time, or he would have
freaked out!
Jack has been sleeping through the night MUCH better for several weeks--YES!! We discovered the key by accident one evening after going to the store. Jack fell asleep in the car on the way home around 7:45, so of course he didn't want to go to sleep after we got home. So we put him in the crib awake, he rolled around and talked to himself for a while, and then BAM! Fell asleep on his own and didn't wake up until 7 AM. HOLY COW!
Let me tell you, it's about time, after the hellish last 3 months we've had! 'Course, it's our own fault. We should have been putting him the crib awake to fall asleep on his own from day one. Sigh.
Of course, the last four nights he's been waking up at ridiculous times--5 AM, 4:30 AM, 3:50 AM--wide awake, not wanting to go back to sleep. This morning it was 2 AM and then again 3 AM. I let him fall asleep on me at 3 AM, but the second I put him in the crib, he woke up, so we all got to listen to him scream himself to sleep. And then not wake up until 7 AM. Poor kid is teething so hard now that he's miserable! Come on, top two teeth!
Weight: approx. 19 pounds
Length: haven't done this yet. Oops.
Teeth: two, bottom middle. Had those for a couple of months now
Words: two, Dada and Mama. But he's not babbling nonstop yet.
Clothing size: 9-12 months
Jack's 8-month likes
Lincoln. Link will always be Jack's #1 like!
Food. Oh my goodness, this kid could eat a cow in one sitting!
Especially if that cow were made out of Cheerios.
Jack loves finger foods, but only if they're crunchy and relatively easy to
pick up. Banana, bits of cheese, mango--he likes them when I feed them
to him, but will ignore them if up to his own devices. Grrr.
Bouncing. Loves the Jumperoo, but will bounce and jump anytime
he's being held! My leg muscles get a good pounding when he stands on me.
Being outside, looking outside, anything to do with outside! Come on spring!
Toys that are meant for older kids
(although baby toys are OK too).
Crawling--but only in reverse! Apparently it's just easier.
When Jack can crawl forward, it will be the end of the world as we know it.
Kid will be unstoppable.
Squealing and laughing
Peek-a-boo. This will never get old.
Bath time & splashing. Cracks himself up.
Jack's 8-month dislikes
Getting stuck under things when he crawls backwards
(even though he looks pretty happy under the dishwasher in this photo)

Not yet being able to crawl forward!
Teething, of course. Ouch.
Not being given Cheerios the second he makes a sound indicating he wants more.
Hello, freakout!
Having his face washed or nose suctioned.
On his 8-month birthday, Jack attacked Lincoln:

But don't worry, Lincoln got him back later that evening!

Our boys are so much fun and are the lights of our lives!!