Jack is 11 months old!
And he has been for a while, but since I rarely turn my computer on when school is out, this post is several weeks late. Oops
As of his 11 month birthday on May 28th, Jack weighs 20 pounds! Never did remember to measure him (oops), but he seems about normal length.
He is still a super-happy, super-smiley baby, but he is starting to cry/have tantrums when he doesn't get exactly what he wants. It's actually pretty funny sometimes; he'll throw himself face-first on the ground and cry. But it won't be funny if he keeps it up!
On his birthday, he took his first trip to Roaring River to celebrate his Great-Grandma Marbut's 80th birthday:
And here he is in his birthday shirt as I was trying to get a decent photo for his birthday invitations:

At 11 months, he had 5 teeth, 3 on top and 2 on bottom, although the 3 on top are taking their sweet time coming all the way in!
Jack says Dada, Mama, Daddy, Hi, Bye, Uh oh (he screeches it, it's hysterical), Cat and Down--he doesn't say all of these consistently (just the first three), but has said them at one point in time. I swear the day after he turned 11 months, he said "uh oh Mama"!!
He is starting to get VERY squirrely during diaper changes and tries to roll over/throw himself off the changing table/sit up--and it is really irritating! He also grinds his teeth (now that he has upper teeth), and it's a bad, bad sound.
And let me tell you, when he and Lincoln get older, both George and I will have to get second jobs just to pay for groceries. Jack is an eating machine! He would eat as much as I do at meals if I'd let him--and he has before. I'm trying to slow him down a bit because he's got QUITE the belly.
Jack is also finally drinking from a straw cup--yay!--and can stack one block on another. He LOVES people, especially Lincoln, and Llama, but we have to keep him away from Llama so he doesn't rip the cat's ears/tail off.
Unfortunately, he tends to wake up between 6 and 6:30 AM still, although he sometimes will sleep until 7. The day after Roaring River, he slept until 7:30! Apparently the key is lots of outside time to totally exhaust him. :) He is still nursing well, but I'll start weaning him a bit after he hits 1.
He bites/chews on everything all the time and is clearly trying to get more teeth. Good times.
More to come when he hits one in a couple of weeks!
And Mama LOVES being home with her boys!