Lots of news! Monday 21 July we got some great ultrasound pics at the early genetic screening (insurance covers it, and we got pics, so why not?). George had to work, so Mom went with me, which was cool. Regular ultrasound this time (hooray!), and it was hysterical--baby was dancing around like a Mexican jumping bean! We figured he/she was responding to the ultrasound pressure, but as the jumping/hopping/dancing/rolling went on, we decided that hiccups must also be involved. We were cracking up! Wish we had gotten a video, but the photos will have to do.
Photo #1: Baby is already trying to get fingers in his/her mouth. Can you tell? And, no more sea monkey! Baby actually looks like a baby!
Photo #2: Compare with the first photo; this one was taken in mid-jump! Head is raised, back is arched, and butt looks really pointy (yikes).
Photo #3: Close-up profile & a few wee fingers.

The checkup with Burk after the tests (ultrasound & finger prick) also went well. I've gained 4 pounds ("perfect," according to the nurse) and all is well. We heard the baby's heartbeat, which was really cool! I did get in trouble with Burk for drinking sweet tea, though. Oh well.
So Mom and I had a great morning, a fun lunch and were on our way to Lowe's when a woman turned left in front of me and I hit her. I was going South on Fremont, just South of Sunset (I think), and saw her in the turn lane. She started to turn, so I slowed down (not going very fast, anyway) and laid on the horn, fully expecting her to stop. Well, she didn't. She kept coming, and I hit her passenger door and front side panel, even after I slammed on the brakes. She, in turn, swiped a truck waiting at the side street stop sign.
It was so scary! Of course, I immediately became hysterical--good thing Mom was there with me. We moved the cars fully onto the side street and got out to inspect the damage. The woman kept saying, "I just didn't see you, hon." Really? So my car is invisible, and apparently the horn isn't loud enough to get your attention, either? I couldn't believe it. We all exchanged info, and Mom wondered if we should call the cops. Since the cars were all drivable, and no one was injured, the truck man said he didn't think it was necessary--so we didn't. We probably should have, but I was so shaken up that I couldn't stop crying, much less help make decisions.
The truck man left, and we started to, when the woman stopped. Her car was making a sound, but it was just the cover over the tire scraping. I got Mom's camera (forgot she had it til then) and took some photos of the woman's car and mine. Check a few out:

Yup, that's the hood.
So the woman's insurance is still "investigating" the incident, but it was clearly her fault (she turned in front of me), and she admitted fault ("I just didn't see you, hon"), so I'm hopeful that everything works out.
My car held up really well; I'm proud of my little Honda. The air bags didn't go off, which was odd. Since I was originally going only 35ish (if that; I'm guessing), guess I had slowed down enough to avoid a worse wreck when we hit.
Ended up going to the ER the next day because when I called to let Burk know about the accident--no, I wasn't cramping, bleeding, or feeling any pain other than a sore neck & headache--the nurse couldn't believe I hadn't gone in the day before and told me to get to the ER right away to be checked out. Naturally, I freaked out again, thinking all sorts of horrible things had happened and I hadn't gone in early enough. Thankfully, Mom went with me, and we were in the ER for a total of an hour and a half. That's it! Waited for 20 minutes, called back for vitals, told to go to the acute care waiting room (another freakout moment for me), called back again, head & neck examined, questioned (no, no cramping or bleeding), and then another baby heartbeat check, which was fine--and that was it. THANK GOD everything was OK. I'm not sure I could have taken it if something had happened to the baby.
So that's our news. All is well, just waiting for insurance, although Mom said that's she's still stiff and sore. There may be a doctor visit in her future, too. Will keep you up to date!
Next checkup: August 11. I won't take sweet tea in with me this time!