I've been gone for two weeks, first to New Jersey for a day to see Ang, Roman and wee Marcus (who is the cutest baby! Cannnot believe I didn't get a single photo of all of us), then on to Philadelphia for the conference on Ben Franklin (which was good, but not as good as others I've been to), and finally to Kansas City for the conference on Harry S. Truman & 1948 (Berlin Airlift, recognition of Israel, desegregation of the military, 1948 election, etc.). The KC conference was fantastic! One of the speakers was Gail Halverson, who was a pilot in the Berlin Airlift. He became known as the "Candy Bomber" because he started dropping candy & gum to the children in Berlin. When the higher-ups found out about it, he was threatened with court-martial, but then it became official policy! It was awesome to meet him & hear him speak. He is 88 years old and still travels a lot speaking--he's been to Germany three times this year already! Here's a (slightly blurry) photo of Gail & me:
Good thing it's only from the chest up so you can't see my starting-to-protrude belly!
Pix of me kissing Ben Franklin (ha) and hugging Harry Truman (posing for photos is half the fun of these conferences, really):
On a completely unrelated note, my "little" brother Zack graduated from UMKC law school in May! He takes the bar exam next week, so send him prayers & luck. Here's our family photo after the graduation. Good lookin' lot, huh? :)
Next doctor visit: tomorrow! Check back soon for more ultrasound photos (hopefully).
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