Friday, December 18, 2009
Santa. Baby.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! We are very thankful for such wonderful family and friends.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
10 months old--photos
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Standing up!
Since George took the newspaper away, Lincoln went for his nose instead.
Meeting Uncle Chris & Aunt Katie
There was so much sibling love in the air! Just look at Chris and Zack:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Griswold Family Halloween
Here is Lincoln's Halloween video for your viewing enjoyment:

PS I am REALLY irriated with Blogger for screwing up all of my carefully-inserted line breaks. Why does it shove everything together when I publish?! Anyone know how to fix this?
Friday, October 30, 2009
The park!

9 months old!
Gone are our days of being able to get wonderful, super-cute photos of him easily. He never stays still!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Cute photos of Linc--surprise, I know!
Dance, Lincoln, Dance!
OK, this is from a few weeks ago, but is a great example of how much Lincoln loves to dance. The tunnel has a sensor on the inside that plays music when it's tripped; Linc couldn't get away because every time he tripped the sensor, he just had to dance!
Monday, September 28, 2009
8 months old!

Lincoln is super-smiley these days:

And he LOVES to crawl:
Oh, our baby is so much fun these days!
Smiling, squeaking, squealing, talking nonstop (Mama, Da, Baba)
Pulling up to knees & trying to get to feet
Being chased
(he tries to crawl away but gets so tickled that he doesn't go anywhere)
"Climbing" the Boppy, Daddy and Mommy, etc.
Crawl-through tunnel (video forthcoming!)
Eating/feeding himself finger foods, which is hysterical
Jumping in the Jumperoo
He has also done well three times now in the church nursery. YES!!
Lincoln's dislikes at 8 months:
Going to sleep: he's started this thing where he screams as soon as we put him in the crib.
It is heartbreaking to listen to him cry himself to sleep; this is the first time we've had to do it.
That's it. Linc is a happy boy!
And now, here is Lincoln showing off his mad crawling skills (our "easy" time is over!):
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
When life hands you lemons
Every Labor Day weekend we go to Branson with my extended family on mom's side: Grandpa and Grandma, aunts and sometimes uncles, cousins and their kids...It's a tradition of many years and is always loads of fun. Lincoln and I went down Saturday, spent the night (he woke up about 5 times. My poor folks! We shared a room with them) and stayed through Sunday.
Anyway. George came down Sunday and we all ate great barbeque at Famous Dave's. While there, George thought it would be fun to let Lincoln suck on a lemon. To let Lincoln SUCK on a LEMON! What the heck!
I wasn't thrilled with it, but George couldn't be stopped and Lincoln--the little booger--seemed to enjoy it.
If Lincoln ends up with a citrus allergy, I'm blaming George and this lemon!