(and of his habit of trying to gouge his eyes out):
21 pounds
?? inches (keep forgetting to measure him!)
Favorites at 10 months:
*Crawling SUPER FAST
*Playing peek-a-boo & hide and seek
*Pulling up to stand on everything!!
*The singing toy chair (photos to follow)
*Saying "ruff ruff" when he hears a dog bark or when we ask him,
"Lincoln, how does a dog go?" It's so exciting!
*Eating, eating, eating
*Not getting bites of whatever we're eating--even if he's stuffed
*Teething: Lincoln is finally cutting more teeth. The top left (not middle, but just to the side)
tooth is poking through and the opposite gum is really, really swollen.
*Waking up super early (6 AM) because gums hurt
--Oh wait, that's one of OUR dislikes!!
*Not getting the paci whenever he sees it (this is bad bad bad!)
Most of the time, Linc is a happy little guy! He has been very needy and slightly whinier of late, probably because of the pain in his gums: he always wants us to hold him, wants to suck on the paci, etc.
But I can never get enough of cuddling my little man, so it's all good!
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