We're going to the hospital for Care by Parent today & tonight. Basically, we're in a room and have Lincoln the entire time, but NICU nurses are across the hall should we have any questions. I'll also finally get to nurse him! We're excited to get to spend so much time with our boy, but I'm also ridiculously stressed out about it. What if he won't nurse? What if we can't calm his crying? What if I dislodge one of the zillions of lines he's hooked up to? I know it's stupid, but it would be different if we had him home. Guess I just don't like the idea of people looking over us, judging our parenting skills--not that the nurses do, and not that they'll even be around unless we call for them. Still.
Here are a couple of photos my mom took Sunday. Hopefully more coming soon, if I ever get my camera hooked to the computer.
Isn't he beautiful?!!!

Yay! I'm sure it is nerve wracking right now, but once you go home you may very well wish you had a nurse at your beck and call - I know I wished that, on multiple occasions!
He is so precious! Hope you're able to nurse him soon. I love that dark hair!
He's sooo cute Erin! Hope that the nursing is going ok and that the last couple of days haven't been too rough on you. I'm thinking about you and my mom says hello and congrats!
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