Lincoln turned one year old on January 23rd!

He is such a smiley, happy, wonderful little man.

What did we do before he came along??
He is the joy of our lives!

Lincoln's 1-year stats
Weight: 21 pounds, 1 oz (24th percentile)
Height: 30" (58th percentile)
AND he has 6 teeth! 2 on bottom & 4 on top
Our chubby chunka boy is starting to get longer and leaner like his daddy.
1-year likes & loves:
(calls Llama "Ba", like "ball" without the "l"s.
Hey, it rhymes with Llama!)
*Crawling super fast, cruising,
standing alone for a few seconds until he realizes he is*
*Babbling nonstop*
seeing them, seeing pictures of them, hearing them bark*
*Drinking water from the straw cup*
*Pushing his walker truck, dining room chairs, his high chair...*
*Rolling balls under the couch*
*Pushing buttons on things he's not supposed to touch:
remote controls, TV, speaker, phone*
Lincoln says
"Mama" & "Dada"
"ruff ruff" & "meow"
"at" (hat)
"ot" (hot)
"uh oh"
"quack" (OK, he said that once. Yesterday.)
"I love you"
No, really! The other day I said "I love you!",
and since he'd just heard a dog bark, he ruffed & said "I love you."
Seriously! It was very Scooby Doo-ish: "Ri Ruv U."
But it REALLY sounded like "I love you"!
1-year dislikes:
*Being sick (first cold & ear infection around his birthday)*
*Being told "no"*
*Not being able to talk & tell us what he wants*
*Having face & hands washed, teeth brushed, or nose wiped*
I can't believe he is (over) a year old already!