Lincoln had a great first Christmas! Or should I say, he had a bunch of great Christmases. We did Christmas with Grandpa & Grandma Mac & Uncle Z on December 23; with Grandma Welch on Christmas Eve; at home and at Great-Grandpa & Grandma Marbut's with Monett family on Christmas Day; and with Great-Grandma Mac and St. Louis family on December 27.
It was a grand Christmas season, and Lincoln did GREAT. Here are some photos.
Grandma Mac bought a Santa outfit for Lincoln on December 12,
and he looked adorable--but wasn't a huge fan:

Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma Mac's on the 23rd:

Yummy! Eating new clothes and tags is fun!:

Lincoln loves the hammer from Uncle Z:

Only the cutest smile ever:
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