...for myself, even though it's not really because of me.
I now weigh the same as or just less than I did in college!! I'm in shock. I'm also fitting in clothes that I've kept for years thinking that someday I would fit into them again, although never actually expecting to. And now I'm so glad they're still in my closet! (especially since my wardrobe is down to almost nothingness, which is a whole other post)
I worked my butt off after Jack was born to lose enough weight that I wouldn't have to buy a bunch of new clothes to go back to work, since we couldn't afford it--and I did. But since then, the weight has just continued to come off and it's so freakin' awesome.
Not that I'm a stick, by any means. I'm still plenty mommy-ish, complete with wrinkles, sags and bulges where there didn't used to be any (tmi?), but overall, I'm thrilled. It feels good to be healthy and (somewhat) strong and be able to keep up with both boys.
Again, I attribute this mostly to God, because without good genes and blessings from Him (what else could it be?), I wouldn't have lost any of it!
Of course, all of this might end if I don't stop treating myself to ice cream after the boys are in bed...but for now, I'm going to enjoy it. And keep working out!
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
you go girl!! that's awesome!!!!!
Woo hoo!!!
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