We registered at Target tonight, and now I'm completely overwhelmed.
Even after doing tons of research, reading Baby Bargains about 18 times, and thinking we were prepared prepared to register, I realize now that we probably registered for a load of crap we likely won't ever use. But who knows, until the baby actually gets here? And what's the point of registering ahead of time, then? Plus, after registering for a Graco infant car seat & stroller base, I realized that the stroller we got from Aunt Judy and Grandma (Evenflo) does in fact allow an Evenflow infant car seat to snap in--but all the reviews I've read of Evenflo seats are atrocious (broken parts, recalls, etc.). So now what? How rude to return such a major gift, and it would hurt their feelings (although I doubt they'd notice, really)--but we also don't have a receipt, so have no idea where to return it.
I know: it's the thought, they want us to be happy regardless, and in the big scheme of things, it's no big deal. But I'm ultra-emotional right now, having spent $500 on maternity clothes so far (should get me through January), which is money that we don't really have; moving stuff in Ivy's room and my office by myself; worrying about how I'm going to get everything done before the baby arrives, and how I'm going to pay for it (yes, I, not we; apparently I'm the only one concerned about any of this: painting, ceiling, roof that the insurance won't pay for, etc. etc.); and mostly feeling like I'm in this pregnancy and preparing for a baby completely alone. The house is wreck, the basement is a pig sty (shite everywhere; George hasn't cleaned beyond vacuuming in over two years) to the point that I get heart palpitations just walking downstairs, we don't eat decent food unles I cook, and mostly, if I want anything done, I have to do it myself.
From registering to feeling completely empty and alone--what an uplifting blog post this is!
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
2 hours ago
Breathe in slowly, now exhale!! If you need help with anything - and I do mean anything - just holler. I live approximately 4.6 miles (I just made up that number ) and would be total happy to help!!!!!!!
I'm sorry that you're feeling so overwhelmed right now... I don't live 4.6 miles away, but if there's anything I can do to help from here, let me know! I think that you and George will be wonderful parents, and somehow God will work it all out in time for the baby's arrival.
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