I leave Thursday for a short conference in Arlington, VA--two days of training for the National Teacher Council sponsored by the Bill of Rights Institute. I'm not looking forward to flying, but I am looking forward to missing school! No school Friday, so it will just be missing Thursday, but a four-day weekend (even with flying) is worth it!
My brother Zack is having a tough time at Marine OCS. He's back on full duty now, but last week was on crutches and had four days of light duty because he strained a muscle in his leg. Apparently it's a common running injury--but his platoon commander wanted to send him home, and if Zack gets injured again, he probably will. Pray for his safety! I think it would about destroy him to be sent home. He's been training for OCS for almost a year and there's nothing else he wants to do right now besides be a Marine officer. He did get 95/100 on a safe weapons handling test, so that's awesome.
Can't believe it's almost the end of October--and can't believe I'm almost in the third trimester. Just three months left! Deep breaths...no hyperventilating...must breathe!
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
1 hour ago
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