Lincoln and I are setting out tomorrow on his first road trip! We are going to St. Louis so Lincoln can meet my Grandma Mac, Aunt Judy, and hopefully some cousins. George has to work Saturday, so he is unable to go. I know, I know: a 3-hour car ride is not even close to a 4-hour (?) plane ride & airport navigation alone with baby! (Angela, you are amazing!!)
Plus, I won't technically be alone. Luckily we're going at the same time as Mom, Dad and Zack, and Mom is going to ride up with Linc and me--it's his first time in the car for longer than an hour, and I'm hoping for the best, but there's really no telling what he'll be like. We'll have to stop at least once so I can nurse him, so a little time out of the car seat should help. To be honest, I wouldn't want to be strapped into the car seat for very long, either!
We are staying with my Aunt Judy, and I'm hoping Lincoln has two good nights, especially since George won't be there to help me! The last two nights (and days, for that matter) haven't been great for our baby--I think it's a combination of teething and general growing pains--but I'm hoping he'll get back to being himself!
Wish us luck!
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
2 hours ago
I didn't know you were coming! Wish we could have gotten the boys together....definitely let us know next time you'll be coming up for a visit! :)
I hope the trip went well! I'm finding that it gets easier the more we travel. It's never a piece of cake, but I think it's worth it. :) The 6 hr flight home from San Diego today wasn't too bad and he was awake for 5 hours of it.
We need to catch up...I'll try to call you soon! :)
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