Today is Lincoln's 5-month birthday!
5 month stats:
Weight: 17 lbs, 10 oz (80th percentile or so)
Length: 27.5 inches (95th percentile!!)
Head circumference: ginormous
Linc is in 6-9 month onesies & rompers (many are almost too short already) & has been in 6 month sleepers for weeks (almost time for 9 month).
Do not get me started about the misleading sizing of baby clothes!!
He hasn't slept completely through the night again, but has been
doing great nonetheless: usually barely wakes up once and then falls right back asleep quickly.
Grabbing/eating his own feet
Cooing, giggling, laughing
Smacking faces
Kicking legs & flailing arms
Rainforest playmat
Books: reading & smacking at pictures
Rolling over (usually back to front)
Bearing weight on legs while holding onto our hands
Sleeping with one arm out of swaddle (a big deal for him!!)
Being on a strict schedule--it works wonders for him
Not a fan of:
Teething (neither is Mommy)
Getting overly tired/broken schedule
Being in the car seat--but honestly, who would be?!
Lincoln is usually super smiley & fun. Mostly just a happy baby!
Lincoln will now bid you adieu. Good night!
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