Today is Lincoln's 6-month birthday!
And he is all smiles...
Grandpa and Grandma came over to say hi, since they'd been on vacation and were having Lincoln withdrawal; Daddy, Uncle Z and our friend Russell finished putting new decking on (another post waiting to be done...); and Russell's wife Marcia and baby Mariah came over to play, too!
Here is Lincoln playing with his new sound n' lights ball, supported by Grandpa:
Grandma loves to get Lincoln's toes, and Linc loves to have his toes got! (that sounds awkward, but oh well):
Later, Lincoln attacked Uncle Zack's nose:
At 6 months, Lincoln is a big boy!
He wears 9 month & some 12 month clothes.
Checkup is next week, so will have official weight/height stats then.
*Playing on belly
*Scooting slowly backward--hysterical
*Chewing/gnawing/sucking on anything
*Grabbing faces and hair
*Standing up holding onto hands
*Sitting up on own for 3-5 seconds before toppling over
*Playing on Mommy & Daddy's big bed
*Watching Llama cat
*The Jumperoo
*Reading books/trying to grab the pictures (favs: Dr. Seuss and Eric Carle)
*Reaching for toys/remote controls
*Smiling at/talking to/grabbing at the baby in the mirror
*Being outside!
*Grabbing for any food or drink in Mommy's hands
*Grabbing/sucking on toes
*Banging on stuff. New nickname: Bam-Bam
*Sitting in high chair
*Figuring out how to eat from a spoon (perplexing!)
*Playing peek-a-boo. Really! He covers his face with the burp cloth, then yanks it off and looks at us expectantly. :)
*Teething (but who can blame him?)
*Being scratched by Llama cat (Llama is lucky to be alive after scratching Linc's forehead; I almost killed him)
*Being messed with too much--he lets us know!
*Getting leg stuck in slat of crib while sleeping
Isn't it exciting that the list of loves is so much longer than the list of dislikes?
1 comment:
time flies doesn't it?
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