On the 18th, we took Lincoln to watch the Springfield Cardinals play...whoever they were playing that night.

All dressed for ball and ready to go!
Every time he sees it, he tries to grab it!
Fun family photo outside the ballpark
Since our families are rabid baseball fans, we made it a family affair and invited everyone to witness this most important of firsts.
It was fun! The game was, anyway. Nursing while sitting on the floor of a stadium bathroom was not so much, but I made it work. :)
Lincoln and Daddy
Lincoln and Mommy
(look at that face...I wasn't torturing him, I swear)
It was a 7:10 game, so Linc was up way past his 8-8:30 bedtime, but he did so well! He seemed a little dazed by all of the sights, sounds and smells (sensory overload, anyone?), but enjoyed looking at everything and playing with everyone.
George and Zack walked around some and showed Linc off to friends: George to former ballpark co-workers and Z to a friend who had way better seats than ours. Zack has decided to use Lincoln to pick up girls--said that he could just walk around and girls will flock to him, via Lincoln ("What a cute baby! Want to go to dinner?").
It was a fun evening! If this child does not love baseball, we're going to have problems. :)
It was a fun evening! If this child does not love baseball, we're going to have problems. :)
How cute! I love his little outfit! Good to hear that it was a positive experience. I'd love to take Marcus some time, but Ro isn't so sure yet...
Fun! We haven't taken ours to a game yet, unless you count inutero - or maybe Adia was there and I was pregnant with Ella. I CAN'T REMEMBER! But now that we have a minor league team - i.e. cheaper tickets - we will be going in the fall. It's still in the mid 80's at midnight around here - and it hasn't gotten to its hottest yet. I don't remember it being that hot in Springfield.
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