He is SUPER smiley, SUPER happy baby--he may even be smilier than Lincoln was as a baby, which I didn't think was possible. Or maybe just about the same. Who can tell??
Jack is 27" long and weighs 16 pounds and 4 oz. That's the same length, but almost a full 2 pounds less than Lincoln did at this age--who knew Link was such a porker?
He was a trooper at the doctor's office. He cried when being weighed & measured, but didn't have a problem getting pocked and prodded by Dr. Griesemer. Kids. Who can figure them out?
Jack has a tooth! His bottom right tooth starting poking through the day after his 6-month birthday. That explains SO much, and he's definitely getting ready to cut more based on his behavior, chewing on his own fingers/anything at all, and waterfall of drool.
Here he is looking at a book with Lincoln:
Jack has been on solids for about a month. This child is an eating MACHINE. He will eat everything and anything in sight if we're not careful! And he likes everything, although he's not a huge fan of all-natural applesauce unless it has cinnamon in it. He's had cereal, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, acorn & butternut squash, pears, applesauce, avocado, banana, and several spieces...that may be it.
He really liked carrots on this particular day:
Unfortunately, solids haven't really had any impact on his sleeping habits. UGH. A couple of weeks ago we (I. I was so desperate) were so desperate to get more then 2-3 hous of sleep at a time every night that we started putting him back in the swing to sleep. Sometimes it helped, sometimes it didn't. He's been doing a bit better lately, but again, he's still in the swing. The transition back to the crib is going to be the stuff nightmares are made of.
We'll have to do it soon, though, or else it will just get worse as he gets older.
6 month likes
Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln
Reading books
Turning pages of books (he's great at it!)
Exersaucer & Jumperoo
Sitting up on his own. YES!!!!
Squealing, cooing, babbling ("gagagaga" "baba").
Jack tries SO hard to form words.
Pulling self up while holding on to people's thumbs
People. Jack is a charmer who distracts people in church
because he's so adorable! (we don't want him in
the nursery until after cold/flu season is over)
Peekaboo. Best. game. ever.
Pooping in new diapers Mommy has JUST put on him. Grrrrrrrr.
Wearing 9 month onesies and sleepers, and already outgrowing some of them!!
His feet! Grabs them compulsively & is about to start sucking
on his toes. Yum.
6 month dislikes
Teething. Who wouldn't?
Not getting to eat until he explodes. He nurses and then has
solids, and when he's finished the solids and sees us take
solids, and when he's finished the solids and sees us take
the bowl or jar from him, Jack freaks out!!
Sleeping through the night (although getting better recently),
past 6 AM or longer than 45 minutes for naps
Soon to come: Some Christmas photos (better late than never) & photos of good times around the house!
1 comment:
It's so funny to hear about Jack, and how similar and sometimes different Connor is. That's really a good idea about introducing new foods. I think I might try that out too. Good luck with the sleeping battle... at least he's happy when he's awake!! Although I know that doesn't really make you any less tired.
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