Happy 3rd birthday to my big boy!
Lincoln had a birthday party on Sunday the 22nd with mostly family and had a great time. We are so blessed with such loving and generous people in our lives!
Cousin Kelli made the most awesome T-rex cake ever seen:
and Lincoln adored it!
On the 23rd, his actual birthday, Lincoln got to choose where he wanted to eat, and he picked the mall so he could see the BIG GORILLA!

Which he didn't want his picture taken with once we actually got there. Of course.
The mall was mostly deserted, which was great, so we walked around some after we ate and let Lincoln play in the kids' playplace. We don't usually get a chance to because it's so crowded with kids snotting everywhere, but that night Link was the only kid playing. Woo hoo!
He also got to sit on the riding lawn mowers at Sears, another of his favorite places.
Unfortunately, he started getting a cold Saturday evening after getting back from Monett (we had gone down for the day to help with the cake), was worse Sunday and absolutely miserable on Monday. What a way to spend your birthday! He still had a good time running all over the mall. It take a lot to slow this kid down!
Which he didn't want his picture taken with once we actually got there. Of course.
The mall was mostly deserted, which was great, so we walked around some after we ate and let Lincoln play in the kids' playplace. We don't usually get a chance to because it's so crowded with kids snotting everywhere, but that night Link was the only kid playing. Woo hoo!
He also got to sit on the riding lawn mowers at Sears, another of his favorite places.
Unfortunately, he started getting a cold Saturday evening after getting back from Monett (we had gone down for the day to help with the cake), was worse Sunday and absolutely miserable on Monday. What a way to spend your birthday! He still had a good time running all over the mall. It take a lot to slow this kid down!
He ended the night by reading a book with Jackson:
At 3 years old, Lincoln...
-is close (sort of) to being potty trained. It's one day at a time,
with some days better than others.
-knows his colors, ABCs, basic shapes, some presidents
(thanks to his awesome placemat) and millions of animals & dinosaurs.
-can recognize many lettes and numbers
and is curious about words.
-also knows almost every single Star Wars character
(loves Chewbacca) and is familiar with much of
Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.
-loves How to Train Your Dragon, How the Grinch Stole Christmas,
and pretty much any movie we'll let him watch.
-loves to sing: the Grinch, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,
Old MacDonald had a Farm, Knick Knack Paddywhack.
-dances to "Can't Touch This" every night at 6:45 when an alarm
goes off on Mommy's cell phone. He calls it "Tan Hox It" and
will mumble along with the words as he jumps around the room.
-is super happy, super friendly and has good manners (most of the time).
-LOVES Baby Jack and is always telling him, "You're so cute,"
and "it's OK, Jackson, I'll protect you."
-BUT. He has started randomly knocking Jack over since J now sits up
on his own. He will also grab Jack's toys and is having a tougher time sharing.
-is a major talker and says such funny things so many times a day
that we can barely keep up with writing them down.
He has been speaking in complex sentences for a while now
and has an amazing vocabulary.
-adores other kids, his age, older and younger. Doesn't matter.
He always wants to play with every kid we see.
-can undress himself on his own except for his shirt but has trouble
getting dressed on his own.
-loves to be outside to run around and ride in his Cozy Coupe, which he's
getting too big for! He should be able to reach the tricycle wheels
this spring.
-is in the "what?" and "why?" stage and asks those questions about
EVERYTHING, even if it is obvious to him/he already knows
the answer!
and a million other things which I will post as I think of them. :)
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