Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Jack is FINALLY getting more teeth!

The top left tooth started to break through Friday--the "one over from the top right" tooth started to break through Sunday--and the top right tooth started to break through yesterday! 

All at once, poor little guy.  But it's about time!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

10 months old!

Jackson is 10 months old!

He had a great time hanging out in Papa's truck for the first time on his 10-month birthday.

Isn't he cute in his 2-piece firetruck jammies?

I haven't weighed or measured him since April 28th, but he LOVES to eat and is quite the big boy!  His legs are longer than Lincoln's were at this age, for sure.

Here are Daddy, Lincoln and Jack hanging out:

And here is Jack sitting in the bin of cars and trucks!

Jack and Lincoln both love to play with their kitchen stuff (aka old ketchup, honey, sour cream, etc., containers that I washed), and one day decided to play in the cabinet that houses the kitchen stuff:

And then Jack had to figure out how to get out of the cabinet:

10-month favorites

EATING!  The boy is a human trash compactor!

Lincoln.  It makes my heart melt to watch them play together and see the look of adoration on Jack's face.  Of course, that look quickly changes to wailing whenever Link smacks him on the head or pushes him over--but those are the knocks!

Reading books...

...on his own and being read to.
He loves to turn the pages (very rapidly), smack at and talk to the pictures.

Taking sips of water from a cup that I hold for him.  Actually, they're more like gulps and he chokes half the time, but when he sees the cup, Jack freaks out!

Opening and closing doors over and over and over
(although this is quite dangerous, as he smashes his fingers quite frequently)

Crawling everywhere SUPER FAST!

Climbing stairs.  He can climb from bottom to top all by himself! 

Practicing walking with his new "lawn mower" (as Lincoln calls it):

Initiating peek-a-boo with the burp cloth while we change his diaper.
He pulls it up over his head, waits until I ask where he is, then yanks it down and laughs hysterically.  It is awesome!

10-month dislikes

Teething.  Jack STILL only has the 2 teeth that cut through when he was 6 months old!  His poor gums are so swollen, and I know he's just miserable, even though he's always smiley and happy.  He doesn't let his lack of teeth stop him from eating anything and everything, though!

Napping longer than 30 minutes to an hour.  This varies by day, but most days he still only sleeps 40 minutes for one or both naps, and then is exhausted by bedtime.  Sometimes he takes longer naps, but there's just no predicting it.  Urgh!

Having his face and hands wiped off or his nose picked.  He hates, hates, HATES it!

Really, that's it.  Jack may be an even smilier and happier baby than Lincoln was--which I didn't think was possible!