Tuesday, August 19, 2008

School is in full swing!

Not sure why the exclamation point--it's not really exciting news, but it is news, three days into the school year (171 to go). I really like our new principal so far. She's funnier than heck and sort of sarcastic, too: perfect for SCORE.

The kids, on the other hand, are driving me nuts. They're excited that I'm pregnant, but most of them won't SHUT THE HECK UP! The worst are my all-boy classes (shocking, I know). They're just being immature little punks so far, and I'm having trouble not losing it with them.
Since I'm pregnant, aren't I allowed to be bitchy? :)

I swear, if our kid ever acts anything like some of my students...no, no, what a scary thought! Take it away, quickly!

BTW, randomly, P.S. I Love You is an amazing movie. Watch it, cry, stare at the amazing biceps of the hot Irish men, and wish you could afford some of those amazing shoes!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My head is pounding!

Mostly it's because I've been reading Baby Bargains for weeks and am completely overwhelmed by the choices, reviews, options, and sticker shock (of course) of everything from cribs to carriers. Tonight George and I talked about furniture, which we'll likely order from JCPenney. Convertible or regular crib? Coffee, caramel or chocolate finish? Basic mattress or one step up? What can we actually afford? Then there's the fun of JCP's ridiculously high shipping charges. I was super excited to have a "free shipping" coupon--until I realized that it doesn't apply to furniture or home-delivery charges. ARGH!

Add to baby madness and pregnancy insanity:
1. teacher days starting Monday,
2. kids coming Friday (I am not ready for this!),
3. preparing for my CTU class that starts the 20th (the English class has been completely overhauled, so I'm spending hours updating my PowerPoints),
4. trying to get George to talk about/help me figure out what to do with stuff in Ivy's room to make way for baby (where will her bed, the world's largest toybox, the stuff in the closet, and my two bookshelves full of books go? None of this will fit in my office, already crowded with three bookshelves, a file cabinet, my desk, chair & computer, and another chair.)

and you have a recipe for the first migraine of my life!!

I think sleep will help, but that just brings me one day closer to the end of my lovely summer holiday. Well, life goes on! And will rapidly speed up once school starts, bringing labor and delivery (which, honestly, I'm quite terrified of--or at least, I'm quite terrified of the potential complications) that much closer, that much faster.

Do all pregnant women feel this overwhelmed? Please say yes!