Saturday, June 6, 2009

First Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day with Lincoln was such fun! I got two cards from Linc, complete with handprint, footprint and signed name (George actually put the pen in his hand and helped write it), plus flowers to plant in the front landscaping once it is weed-free.

We spent some time at my folks' house; we always have such a good time!

Photos are better late than never, right?

Lincoln & Mommy

Mama loves her little Lincoln!

Naked baby boy

Doesn't he look like he's thinking "WTF?"?

That was our Mother's Day. Hope yours was equally wonderful!


Sarah B said...

Sounds like you had a great day! Although I think my husband has learned his lesson on giving me plants that I'M supposed to plant! I don't need much for gifts but I don't want something I consider a chore HAHA!

Erin Welch said...

AGREED! Those plants, by the way, are still sitting in their containers on the back porch, slowly dying. I am under the impression that George is going to plant them--but as everything else, maybe I should do it before a year has passed!