Monday, January 26, 2009

Introducing our little man!

Lincoln Atticus Welch
made his debut at 6:48 pm
on 23 January 2009!
7 pounds 8 ounces
20.5 inches long
Apgar scores: 8 (1 minute), 9 (5 minutes)
Short story:
18.5 hours of labor or so
When he arrived, he had a fever (as did I), some trouble breathing
and probably an infection, so they whisked him off to NICU for antibiotics and kept him there.
We came home last night without him, but he is doing MUCH better.
Fever is gone, breathing is strong and normal, and he's eating from a bottle.
He was moved from NICU to the "annex," which is still intensive care,
but with fewer and healthier babies.
We got to feed, burp, hold and change him before we had to leave the hospital,
so that made coming home without him not as difficult, but still so heartbreaking.
More details later!


Anonymous said...

I call dibbs on babysitting!!!!!! He is sooooooooo cute. I cannot wait to meet him in person - I am so excited!

Sarah B said...

He's great! And what a name - it stands for so much, I'm sure you will do a fine job raising him to represent it properly. Don't worry, he'll be home soon, then you'll hardly be able to remember your life from before he came home!

Now you simply must put up more photos pronto, preferably ones with the whole family!