Monday, March 23, 2009

2 months old!

Lincoln is 2 months old today!
23 March 2009

We spend the day at Great Grandpa and Grandma Marbut's with Grandma Mac (my mom!) and Uncle Z. The day consisted of being fussy (gassy, gassy baby!),

cuddling with Great Grandma,

sleeping on Uncle Z,


We go to the doctor Friday or a checkup and shots (gulp). Until then, here are some estimated stats & odds and ends:

Weight: 12.5 pounds (or so)

Outgrowing 0-3 month and 3 month clothes!

Loves: white noise, eating, looking at faces, smiling, eating,
sleeping on our chests, laying on the changing tale, kicking, eating,
taking walks, vigorous rocking/swinging (in our arms or in the swing), sleeping
Hates: Mommy moving too slow when he's ready to eat,
being strapped into the car seat (but likes car rides),
being swaddled (but sleeps well afterward), having trouble tooting/pooing,
being gassy
More to follow!


Bethany said...

Yeah! Sounds like little Linc is growing up! Lucas still can't wait to meet his new little buddy!

I hope some of the clothes I sent you were bigger than 3 months! :)

Laura McGuire said...

Oh Erin, he is so adorable :) I hope you are having a wonderful time being a new mom!

Sarah B said...

He looks like he is celebrating in those last couple of photos!