Friday, March 27, 2009

Official 2 month stats

Here they are!
13 lbs, 10 oz (87th percentile)
(including slightly wet diaper)
23" (48th percentile)
Head circumference:
16" (67th percentile)
So growth is right on track, although I thought he'd be longer; he looks it.
Linc's length should catch up to his weight soon, I hope. He's perfectly roly-poly now!
Lincoln also got his first shots this morning: Hep B, Polio, DTaP, Hib, Pneumococcal conjugate and Rotavirus (oral). He was trooper through the ordeal; I was not so strong! Seeing the look on his little face at the first shot made me break down. We recovered quickly, though; however, the afternoon was very stressful. Linc ate at 12:20 and not again until 8:00. In the ensuing time, he slept on us and screamed any time he or we moved. It was horrible!! I cried and cried, especially when he wouldn't nurse at all and just kept screaming. Refused a bottle too. I was terrified that he would keep refusing to eat all night and wondered how many missed feedings were too many.
Thankfully, just before 8:00, he woke up and was happy and smiley, and then ate (and spit up) voraciously. Our baby is back! Thank God.

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