Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lincoln inchworming

We'd better babyproof the house FAST!


Laura McGuire said...

He'll be crawling all over your house in no time! He's so cute, Erin :)

Kayla said...

he's awesome! Hopefully you don't think I've been trying to avoid you, but I could see how you might feel that way. so, the letters "T" and "Y" on my laptop have not been working. so it makes it VERY hard to type anything meaningful. and I've been too busy/lazy to walk all the way downstairs to use the computer down there, on my broken foot :) at least I have an excuse! ha! but I've been enjoying your posts, and stalking you silently :) I just started work full time yesterday (it seems like forever ago already--i'm pooped). I hope your school year is off to a good start! wow--this turned into a really long "comment"! I'll stop babbling now... Kayla