Tuesday, November 29, 2011

5 months old!

Jackson is 5 months + 1 day old!

And he is a happy, smiley, hysterical, FUN baby...when he is awake.

Asleep, it's a whole other ballgame!

He loves to sit up in the boppies:

And is starting to sit up on his own, at least for a few seconds

before he topples over. :)

He'll be SUCH a happy boy when he can sit up on his own without falling over!

He weighs about 16 pounds, according to the "weigh myself, then stand

on the scale holding Jack and subtract the two numbers" method.

WHY won't this child sleep???? After sleeping 8:30 PM-4:30 AM by around 2 months, and then 8 PM-7 AM at 3 months, WHY are we back to waking every few hours at night? Why, why?

I'm not feeding him in the night; I'm not about to go backwards, and plus he doesn't need it. But he wakes up every few hours and has to have the pacifier to go back to sleep. He's still swaddled, so I thought maybe he wanted to be unswaddled to suck on his fists. Well, one arm out makes no difference, and unswaddled completely is just a nightmare.

I moved the swing up to his room, but it doesn't help him stay asleep for naps, so I haven't even tried it at night. I. AM. EXHAUSTED. Because guess who it is who gets up every few hours when Jack cries to stick the paci back in his mouth? IT AIN'T GEORGE!

Jack's naps have been short (30-45 minutes) since I stopped putting him in the swing to nap around 1.5 months. So really, we have 2 sleep problems: night and naps.

Teething is having an effect, I know, because the poor kid gnaws my finger off and chews on anything he can find. Plus he's a waterfall of drool every second of every day. No sign of teeth yet. PLEASE, God, let the teeth break through!

I'm going to start Jack on cereal this weekend and am praying that it helps him sleep. Again, PLEASE God!

It's hard to get a decent picture of Lincoln and Jackson together--this is usually what we end up with. :)

Jack's 5-month favs:

The Exersaucer (SUCH squeals!)

Sitting up in the boppies

Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln. Jack adores him!

Grabbing/smacking faces

Grabbing anything--he has a very strong grip. It's kind of annoying sometimes.

Kicking and flailing


Squealing, laughing and cooing

The baby in the mirror. He's so funny! Jack likes to smack at him.

Being tickled

Reading books/batting at the pictures in books

Pooping out of outfits. All. the. TIME!

5-month dislikes:

Sleeping through a 1.5 hour nap

Sleeping through the night

Teething. Ugh.

Not being paid attention to

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