Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was so much fun with our Lincoln-Dinosaur and Jackson-Tiger!

Jack was a tiger because that's the costume we had from Lincoln's first Halloween (only it fit him a lot better than Lincoln 2 years ago, probably because he's 5 months younger than Lincoln was and the costume size was mislabeled!)

Lincoln was a dinosaur because when we went to get his lion costume--he'd been saying he wanted to be a lion for months--he saw a (super-expensive) dinosaur costume & decided he wanted to be a dino instead. Not wanting to spend $20-$30, my friend Janet suggested I try Kmart, which I did. Yes, they had a dinosaur costume. And yes, it was 50% off! Score!

We went to Trunk or Treat at church on Sunday night and trick-or-treating around the neighborhood on Halloween. Let me tell you, Trunk or Treat is ALOT easier than old-school trick-or-treating! I don't remember getting that worn out walking around as a kid, but then I also wasn't carrying a 16-pound baby when I was a kid, either. And I was 20 years younger.

Here are Lincoln & Jackson, George, and Dad and Mom at Trunk or Treat:

And here are the boys and me just before Trunk or Treat:

Both nights were a blast! Lincoln loves to wear his dinosaur costume every day, usually 3-4 times in an average day. Jack is not such a fan of the tiger costume. :)

Having kids makes Halloween fun again!

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