Thursday, May 28, 2009

Official 4-month stats

Lincoln weighs 16 pounds, 12 ounces
and is 26 inches long!
At least we got one of the two right last week. :)

Both are the 75th percentile, so our little guy is not so little anymore!

Favorites at 4 months:

*Mommy & Daddy*
*Electronic toy cell phone (so it begins...)*
*Bouncy seat*
*Rolling over tummy --> back (once a day if we're lucky)*
*Lots o' links*
*Grabbing his own feet*
*Drooling & razzing*
*Vibrating teether bug*
*Laying on our bed & playing (easier to roll over)*

OK, so teething isn't a favorite--it hurts him a lot and he screams--
but he definitely is.

Stranger anxiety is getting better, with only a few freakouts occasionally.

Linc is now on a 4-hour eating schedule! I hardly know what to do with myself.

He is also taking longer naps, typically 1.5-2 hours. Again--
I forgot what it was like to have two hours of free time!

Lincoln and I made our first solo trip to the doctor today
(quote from Dr. Griesemer: "He's a big boy!") and survived.
He was a trooper with shots (screamed, of course, but made it OK)
and hopefully will have a better afternoon than with his first shots.

Since Linc has mutilated the schedule he was on for ages, in the next few days, I'm going to start him on the schedule suggested by the Baby Whisperer. The hardest part for me will be Pick Up/Put Down, I think, because it will be so exhausting, but it's worth a shot. Can't be any harder than Cry it Out, which breaks my heart.

And those are the facts!


Sarah B said...

I did some of that, it was the only one I really tried to follow, mostly I just operated on instinct. The main thing I took away from it was the EASY method, which was a life saver concerning nap time. Good luck!

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Annalyn has THREE toy cell phones - and yet, she still prefers our real ones. We try not to let her play with it, because we think it's a pretty bad habit. But sometimes we just HAVE to give in!

Kayla said...

Dr. Griesemer ?!?! He was my pediatrician! How funny!